
Fueled Up – Review

Fueled Up – Review

During the course of the last few years, party games have seen a huge increase in popularity again. Overcooked! has been a massive trailblazer to put this genre back on the map, and we absolutely enjo... Read More »

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Equals (DVD) – Movie Review

Equals (DVD) – Movie Review

Emotions are often considered a flaw, as these are uncontrollable, unpredictable and are often the reason for very dramatic events, but on the other side, emotions are also what makes us human. Even t... Read More »

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Mirror’s Edge Catalyst – Review

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst – Review

While the original Mirror’s Edge, which was released in 2008, never received a sequel, and the new one’s subtitle might make it look like it’s the next installment, the franchise is actually rec... Read More »

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Verbatim Bluetooth Headphones – Hardware Review

Verbatim Bluetooth Headphones – Hardware Review

While gaming headsets are a very common sight on the website, we also had some everyday Bluetooth headphones on the site as well. Seeing it has been quite some time since we last reviewed one, we felt... Read More »