
Tokyo Tattoo Girls – Review

Tokyo Tattoo Girls – Review

NIS America is known for its library of quirky games, ranging from very tactical RPG titles to more obscure adventure titles. With a name as Tokyo Tattoo Girls, one might think it’s something along ... Read More »

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Blindspot: Season 1 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

Blindspot: Season 1 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

With the plethora of detective series out there, it’s often hard to find one that suits your fancy. Most series in the genre nowadays try to present the viewer with their own special quirk, which is... Read More »

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Far Cry 3 – Review

Far Cry 3 – Review

Far Cry 3 must be one of the most hyped titles of 2012. Ubisoft has been getting us in the mood for this exotic cruise to an island filled with baddies for quite some time now. Will this holiday prove... Read More »

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