The Chinese Room

Free demos available for Little Orpheus and A Little To The Left at Steam Next Fest

Free demos available for Little Orpheus and A Little To The Left at Steam Next Fest

At the Steam Next Fest you can get a taste of games that are coming up for release on Steam. This fest, starting as we speak, will last from the 21st of February up to the 28th. For one week exactly ... Read More »

Dear Esther: Landmark Edition debuts on consoles

Dear Esther: Landmark Edition debuts on consoles

Dear Esther is a game by The Chinese Room, the people behind ‘Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture’. Both games are story driven walking simulators. You walk around and find out little s... Read More »

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs – Review

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs – Review

A small confession to start off with: I don’t handle horror very well. I’ve got plenty of trauma’s left from watching movies like Children of the Corn or Pöltergeist as a small kid. The same go... Read More »

Site Score
Prepare to squeal in terror, Amnesia is here!

Prepare to squeal in terror, Amnesia is here!

The time is finally here folks, some of us looked forward to it, others like yours truly have dreaded this day for months. Now don’t be afraid it’s nothing dramatic or anything. What IR... Read More »