The Division

Former Swedish AAA developers create new studio, Bad Yolk

Former Swedish AAA developers create new studio, Bad Yolk

Former Machine Games developers, Micheal Paixao and Joel Jonsson today announced the beginning of a new era. The formation of Bad Yolk, a brand new, forward-thinking video game studio that aims to att... Read More »

The Division 2 Episode 1 – D.C. Outskirts: Expeditions available from the 23rd of July

The Division 2 Episode 1 – D.C. Outskirts: Expeditions available from the 23rd of July

After E3 2019 we knew that Ubisoft had a lot more in store for The Division 2, the game was warmly welcomed by the community and has already been played hours on end by fans. On the 23rd of July, ever... Read More »

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 – New Live Action Trailer!

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 – New Live Action Trailer!

This Live Action trailer of Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is called ‘The Drawing’, and is directed by Nicolas Winding Refn in collaboration with the DDB Agency. Tom Clancy’s The Divisi... Read More »

Dive into the underbelly of New York City

Dive into the underbelly of New York City

Tom Clancy’s The Division has been released for a while, but they’re bringing new content to the game thanks to ‘Underground’. You’re able to venture to the evil underbel... Read More »

Tom Clancy’s The Division – Review

Tom Clancy’s The Division – Review

Technology and science are two major branches that have known a booming evolution during the past years. We’ve gained a lot of new intel on specific specimen that roam this planet, like bacteria and... Read More »

Site Score
Ubisoft launches a special on: The Division

Ubisoft launches a special on: The Division

If you are an avid Ubisoft, shooter or Tom Clancy fan, then ‘The Division’ might have popped up on your radar. You’ll be pleased to read that Ubisoft is launching a completely free i... Read More »

Tom Clancy’s The Division – Preview

Tom Clancy’s The Division – Preview

First announced at E3 2013, Tom Clancy’s The Division’s release date is creeping closer and closer. In order to get people hyped again after a very long period of waiting, there was a clos... Read More »

Tom Clancy’s The Division gets a bunch of new live-action trailers

Tom Clancy’s The Division gets a bunch of new live-action trailers

Ubisoft is cranking up the hype-meter with their latest batch of trailers. In these four new trailers, you can see the story of each of the agents. You can check out the story of Daryl: a firefighte... Read More »

Tom Clancy’s The Division Cash Contagion

Tom Clancy’s The Division Cash Contagion

You never know what could have happened to your cash notes and where they’ve been. They could contain traces of marijuana, cocaine or even carry harmful bacteria. This is at the core of the deva... Read More »

Live Action trailer for Tom Clancy’s The Division

Live Action trailer for Tom Clancy’s The Division

As the launch of “The Division” gets closer and closer, the marketing team is getting gamers hyped with trailers and interesting updates. Today, they’ve released another trailer in t... Read More »

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