Torchlight II

Torchlight III End Game content now in Early Access

Torchlight III End Game content now in Early Access

For those who have been enjoying Torchlight III in Early Access will be happy to hear that now there is some spicy end game content. The Fazeer Shah’s Dun-Djinn dungeon is run by Torchlight II djinn... Read More »

Torchlight II – Pre-orders now available!

Torchlight II – Pre-orders now available!

Torchlight II pre-orders are now available for PlayStation 4 & Xbox One, and will soon be available for the Nintendo Switch. As a bonus, there will be three exclusive pets for the console versions... Read More »

Runic games releases GUTS

Runic games releases GUTS

The title of this article might seem a bit weird, but I don’t mean their literal guts. GUTS is the name of the editor Runic games released today for their game Torchlight II. GUTS is basically the d... Read More »

Torchlight II – Review

Torchlight II – Review

Torchlight II is the long-awaited sequel of the first installment of the game. The original Torchlight game lacked a multiplayer function which saddened the fans, of a game that turned out to be a gre... Read More »

Site Score