
Letter Jam – Board Game Review

Letter Jam – Board Game Review

Czech Games Edition has provided many good games over the years, but it’s easy to say that they sometimes provide more word guessing games than other companies on the market. They have spawned the C... Read More »

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Trapwords – Board Game Review

Trapwords – Board Game Review

It has only been a few weeks since we last played a guessing game in the spirit of Pictionary. Pictomania proved to be a fun party game, if not taken too seriously, as the difference in skill levels c... Read More »

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Trapwords to release in two weeks time

Trapwords to release in two weeks time

Trapwords is a hilarious game about two teams, one boss, and not saying specific words. This exciting new board game by CGE is to be released in two weeks time and is now available for preorder on the... Read More »