Turn based strategy

Blood Bowl 3 makes its new trailer a hilarious Super Bowl parody

Blood Bowl 3 makes its new trailer a hilarious Super Bowl parody

Last weekend Americans geared up for one of the most important annual sport events of the country, the Super Bowl. One of the trademark features of the event are the funny and often satirical commerci... Read More »

Evolution Board Game – Now available for Nintendo Switch!

Evolution Board Game – Now available for Nintendo Switch!

Evolution is a digital adaptation of the Evolution board game, and has been released for Nintendo Switch today, December 10. The digital adaptation of Evolution Board Game has previously been released... Read More »

Black Legend – Demo available!

Black Legend – Demo available!

The demo of Black Legend is once again available on Steam! This demo was previously only available during the Steam Autumn Festival, but has now returned upon popular request. The demo will give you a... Read More »

Dreadlands shoots its way out of Early Access on Steam with its full version

Dreadlands shoots its way out of Early Access on Steam with its full version

Post-apocalyptic turn-based strategy game Dreadlands has been in development for three years. In March the game launched its Early Access on Steam and gained thousands of players who were eager to sha... Read More »

Fort Triumph gets a big update and week-long promo on Steam

Fort Triumph gets a big update and week-long promo on Steam

Fort Triumph, the tactical turn-based strategy game by All in! Games is getting a major content update. New locations, events, traits, and battle types are all being thrown into the mix. The trait sys... Read More »

1971 Project Helios – Review

1971 Project Helios – Review

While a heatwave is upon us and many gamers are certainly sweating through their t-shirts, Recotechnology is here to transport us to a world full of snow and ice. Their newest game, 1971 Project Helio... Read More »

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Pax Nova – Review

Pax Nova – Review

Turn-based strategy games have been a rather rare occurrence these last years. Pax Nova is trying to revive this genre by blending base building elements with a city manager, this all while surviving ... Read More »

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DUAL GEAR launched on Steam Early Access

DUAL GEAR launched on Steam Early Access

DUAL GEAR, a turn-based strategy game has come to Steam Early Access last week. With some slight problems at the first rollout, the developers at Orbital Speed Studio Co. Ltd are now proud to present ... Read More »

Wintermoor Tactics Club – Review

Wintermoor Tactics Club – Review

Sometimes there are games that hit all the notes just right, making an entertaining experience without doing anything out of the ordinary. Wintermoor Tactics Club is one of such games. Its gameplay is... Read More »

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Fort Triumph – Review

Fort Triumph – Review

Ever since games started to take over the global market and technologies expanded to 3D development and such, we have all seen a couple of genres that got rehashed with different skins and a different... Read More »

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