Two new formats are coming to Heartstone this spring

Two new formats are coming to Heartstone this spring

Big changes are coming to the digital cardgame based on World of Warcraft. In order to keep the game fresh, exciting and accessible for many years to come, the developers continuously update the game as much as possible. Little less than a year ago, the mysterious fourth menu button was revealed to be the Tavern Brawl, a mode where players can battle against other players with special decks and certain restrictions.

Now two new formats will be coming to Hearthstone this spring to spice things up even more, namely Standard and Wild. Standard is a new Play mode format which will be available in friendly challenges, ranked mode and casual play mode, featuring a dynamic and balanced metagame where future card releases will have serious impact. In no way will it affect arena, solo mode or adventure mode. As 2016 has been dubbed as the Year of the Kraken, Standard mode will be played with a deck that uses cards that were released in the current and previous calendar year. This means that all the basic and classic cards are usable as well as the cards from Blackrock Mountain, The Grant Tournament, The League of Explorers and the upcoming expansion of spring 2016. To make things even more interesting, Standard will become the official format of the Hearthstone Championship Tour.

The Wild mode explains itself really. In this game mode anything is possible. Queuing up for Wild will throw you into a crazy frenzy where you can use any of the cards you’ve already collected so far to build your deck. You can earn gold, finish quests, rank up on the ladder, get cards back and even earn Legend rank, just like you can in Standard.

We’re not stopping here. A huge buff to the Collection Manager has always been announced. Players who have unlocked all nine heroes will also be able to unlock nine more deck slots, raising the total number of deck slots to eighteen. This will give you enough room to build your Wild decks.

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Hi! I'm Jess and I’m a writer, dreamer and gamer at heart since the early ages. I primarily game on PC but occasionally also on PS4 and Xbox One. I have a tiny obsession for World of Warcraft and caterpillars but you may also claim I have a devoted passion for the gaming industry in general. If you want to hit me up, find me on twitter!

1 Comment

  1. pulse
    February 4, 2016, 18:14

    Sounds great!!!

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