World of Warcraft: The War Within Earthen Feature Developer Q&A

World of Warcraft: The War Within Earthen Feature Developer Q&A

Owen Langdren (Senior Game Designer), Terran Gregory (Cinematic Narrative Director) and Maria Hamilton (Associate Design Director), share what they are most excited about for the brand new Earthen Race!

The earth trembles as a new power awakens in The War Within! The Earthen; a Titan-forged race hewn from living stone, emerge from their hidden strongholds! These beings, imbued with the very essence of Azeroth, stand ready to join the fray. Tasked since their creation with building and maintaining the Titans’ works, these diligent workers helped forge the world we know today, their legacy woven into its very fabric. But their strength is fading and their numbers are dwindling. Champions of Azeroth, get ready to answer their call…

Prove your worth by aiding the Earthen in their time of need and unlock the ability to join their ranks. Fight alongside these titans, experience their ancient culture, and uncover the secrets to restoring their declining population. The fate of this noble race, and perhaps Azeroth itself, rests in your hands!

Q: What was the inspiration behind the Earthen?

Terran Gregory: “Throughout our adventures in World of Warcraft, we’ve constantly encountered remnants of the titans – their ruins, their facilities and their architectures. Among these creations are the Titan-forged constructs, built to help shape and maintain these facilities. Of those, there have always been the Earthen – Stone-forged automatons that work to enact the Titan’s designs. In The War Within, we journeyed to Khaz Algar, a unique titan facility where the Earthen have thrived in isolation for ages. They are unique because they have been separated from the world for a very long time. This is our opportunity to truly understand the Earthen – their culture, their purpose, and the challenges they face.”

Q: What can you tell us about the land the Earthen occupy? What are its unique features?

Maria Hamilton: “In The War Within, players will encounter the Earthen in two distinct yet interconnected locations: the surface island of Dorn and the subterranean depths of the Ringing Deeps, both part of the larger landmass of Khaz Algar. The Isle of Dorn, with its breathtaking coastlines, grasslands, and imposing mountains, is home to the Earthen’s grand city, Dornogal. Built around the Coreway, a massive structure that descends deep into the earth, Dornogal stands as a testament to Earthen ingenuity. Here, generations of Earthen have lived, worked, and safeguarded the Coreway, diligently carrying out the titans’ designs. The island is further surrounded by the power of the element forces, predominantly with wind and lightning. Venturing down the Coreway, players will find themselves in the Ringing Deeps, a subterranean realm of vast caverns and heavy machinery. This is the domain of the Machine Speakers, one of the three Earthen sectors, who have dedicated their lives to industry and craftsmanship. Giant forges fueled by molten lava, colossal power hammers, and intricate networks of machinery dominate the landscape. The Machine Speakers have mastered the elements here, controlling the flow of water, harnessing the power of lava, and extracting valuable resources from the earth. The Ringing Deeps, much like the Earthen themselves, represent a harmonious balance between industry and nature, strength and beauty.”

Q: What are strengths and weaknesses of the Earthen from a gameplay and lore POV?

Owen Langdren: “When designing the Earthens, we wanted their abilities to reflect their unique nature as beings of living stone. They are, in a way, magical beings, animated by the very internal essence of Azeroth. This core concept led to some really fun design challenges. We also wanted to explore the implications of being a living being made of stone. For example, what does it mean for their relationship with food? If you’re a rock, you wont get energy from eating hamburgers! These questions helped us create abilities that are not only fun and engaging but also tell a story about who the Earthen are. We hope these abilities will spark players’ imaginations, giving them unique hooks to hang their characters’ stories on. We can’t wait to see players experience Azeroth through the eyes of the Earthen, bringing a fresh perspective to this world we all love.”

Terran Gregory: “From a strengths perspective, the Earthen are very resilient. They have diligently carried out their duties and endured their purpose in life for thousands of years. In terms of their weaknesses, one of their key struggles, which players will help them out with, is that they are starting to become divided as a people. They have internal conflicts by which some believe they should continue following the orders that they have been given, whilst others believe that it is time for them to find a new path. That lack of unity breeds internal conflict and will be a big weakness for them. Additionally, whilst the facilities are dependent on the maintenance of the Earthen, the Earthen are dependent on the maintenance of the facilities. They themselves need to be run on energies supplied, but when those supplies become scarce and broken, they could find themselves very vulnerable without the ability to sustain themselves.

Q: What was the decision/lore behind making the Earthen a neutral race?

Terran Gregory: “When any playable race comes about, there is always a question as to whether the race feels more Horde or more Alliance. When it comes to the Earthens, whilst they were created long before the flesh creatures that roam around Azeroth today, they are very much a blank slate. They don’t have the same thoughts and preconceived notions as the other mortal races in the world, and part of their journey will be very much finding their autonomy and their ability to follow their own path. In doing so, the idea is that they will go out into the world and join either the Alliance or Horde, but that is their decision to make, not one that was made for them.”

Q: How will the Earthen play a part in the conflict against Xal’atath and the forces of the void?

Terran Gregory: “The earthen will be crucial to the battle ahead. As players first arrive in Khaz Algar, the earthen are one of the first people they will encounter. But, the Earthen are also in their own crisis. Tasked with guarding the vital Coreway of Dornogal, the Earthen are struggling to repel a devastating attack. So players will have to help them get through the initial crisis, as well as dig deeper into the divisions of their people. But the assault on the Coreway is only one challenge among many. The Earthen are grappling with a deep internal conflict, a crisis of identity that threatens to tear them apart. Players will need to navigate both external threats and internal divisions, earning the trust of the Earthen and helping them find unity. Only then can the Earthen truly lend their strength to the fight ahead. As the conflict escalates within the depths of Khaz Algar, the alliance between players and the Earthen will be put to the ultimate test against a rising threat.”

Q: Why was now the right time to bring the earthen as a playable race?

Maria Hamilton: “The launch of a new saga is always a great time for a fresh start. Many players prepare for an expansion by getting their characters organised and ready for adventure. Others might create brand new characters to experience something completely different. With the arrival of the Earthen, you have an opportunity to do both. The Earthen are not just a new race; they are deeply woven into the fabric of this saga. Their unique perspective and history offer a fresh way to experience the unfolding story. From the moment you create your Earthen character, you’ll embark on a journey of discovery, uncovering their past, understanding their present struggles, and ultimately, shaping their future. As stated before, this is just the start of a new saga, and playing as an Earthen gives you an inside track, allowing you to experience the story from a truly unique perspective.”

Q: How do you decide when to introduce a new playable race? What are the steps you have to take?

Terran Gregory: “Quite often as we’re developing the game, these types of opportunities present themselves to us – they show themselves organically. As we craft new expansions, breathe life into new races, creatures, and characters, we sometimes stumble upon something special. There is often a time where we recognise the importance of a character and see a depth and complexity that demands further exploration. When these compelling characters emerge, we look for ways to make them more than just background players in the unfolding drama. We weave their stories into the main plot, giving them agency and depth. This lets players connect with them in a meaningful way, experiencing the world through their eyes and understanding their motivations. These organic discoveries are what make developing World of Warcraft so exciting, constantly pushing us to create richer and more immersive experiences for our players.”

Q: What’s your favourite characteristic/thing about the Earthen?

Terran Gregory: “What makes the Earthen so captivating are their personalities and their ongoing journey of self-discovery. Created as constructs, they are now grappling with what it means to be individuals, to forge their own path while honouring their origins. This creates a compelling narrative unlike anything we’ve explored with other races. It’s incredibly rewarding to witness their evolution firsthand. As they navigate their complex history and embrace their potential, we see them blossom into something truly unique. The writers and performers have done an exceptional job of capturing the Earthen’s distinct flavour and language, making them such a distinct race compared to the rest of the world.”

Owen Lagdren: “What truly elevates the Earthen is the meticulous attention to detail in their design. Every detail tells a story. You can see their weight and presence as they move through the world with the dents they leave behind, which is a testament to the developers’ commitment to bringing them to life. It’s a joy to watch them  move through the game and interact with the world.”

Maria Hamilton: “I’m constantly impressed by the detail our team puts into the game. The Earthen’s props, in particular, are fantastic. I have to admit, I couldn’t stop laughing when I first saw their beds. They look exactly like barbeques, with the Earthen resting on a platform over hot coals! And the way they enjoy relaxing in warm mineral pools, covered in healing mud, is another great touch. It’s these little details that make the Earthen’s world feel so real and lived-in.

I also love the Female Earthen beards! The artistry of those metallic, woven beards, available for both body types, is simply stunning. The vibrant gemstones with those incrustations really emphasise their nature as beings of rocks and gems. As someone who loves bold character silhouettes, seeing those massive shoulder pieces adorned with gems and metallic accents is incredibly cool. Our team really thought of everything, ensuring that every element makes sense for their culture. Keep your eyes peeled for these fun details as you explore – there will be plenty of other things that tickle your fancy!”

List of Earthen’s racials and unique abilities:

Azerite Surge: The Earthen unleash a torrent of Azerite energy, blasting their foes and bolstering their allies.

Ingest Minerals: Instead of consuming food, the Earthen ingest and attune to various minerals, altering their internal frequencies. This allows them to enhance different aspects of their being. As an Earthen player, you can choose which secondary stat to boost based on your current needs and playstyle, customising your character’s strengths.

Titan-Wrought Frame: Forged from the very stone of Azeroth, the Earthen possess incredible natural durability, granting them an additional bonus to their armour.

Wide-Eyed Wonder: This racial ability reflects the Earthen’s unfamiliarity with the wider world. It provides a temporary experience gain boost upon entering a new zone for the first time.

World of Warcraft: The War Within is available from August 26th. If you want to learn more about World of Warcraft check out the World of Warcraft website, or for real-time updates, follow the official X.”

See you in Khaz Algar!

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