2D adventure Lost in Play released

Today, Happy Juice Games have announced the launch of Lost in Play, a beautiful 2D adventure puzzle game inspired by a mixture of modern-day cartoons that kids nowadays look at and the Saturday morning cartoons the older generation grew up with.
In Lost in Play, the brother and sister duo Toto and Gal are thrown into an Alice in Wonderland-style world. They will be exploring dreamscapes and befriending magical creatures on their journey. The two siblings have to work together to solve puzzles and make their way back home. Lost in Play features more than thirty unique puzzles and mini-games with only visual communication as there is no text or dialogue throughout the game.
Lost in Play has been released today for Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. The PlayStation and Xbox versions will follow shortly. A brand-new trailer has been made to commemorate the release of Lost in Play. You can watch it below this post. Make sure to check back soon for our review, which will be up shortly.
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