PDP Sheikah Shoot REMATCH GLOW Controller – Hardware Review
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Developer: PDP
Publisher: PDP
Platform: Switch

PDP Sheikah Shoot REMATCH GLOW Controller – Hardware Review

Good: Amazing design, Solid build quality, Price
Bad: Screenshot, home and function buttons are not that tactile and pleasant to work with
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If the name REMATCH sounds familiar, that must probably be because we have already looked at this wired controller in the past for Xbox Series X/S and even Nintendo’s Switch. This time, we are revisiting this solid and affordable controller, as it’s been updated with shiny new designs, and we are simply suckers for good-looking quality peripherals. With the updated Sheikah Shoot design, we decided to give the REMATCH GLOW controller another spin.


Nothing really changed when it comes to the overall button layout since we last looked at it in 2022, except for the new licensed ‘skins’. For our review, we were given the newly released Sheikah Shoot model that is part of the REMATCH GLOW series. The new design looks great, and many of these licensed third-party models actually look better than the official Pro Controller designs. The REMATCH GLOW controllers also have a faint glow-in-the-dark feature, which looks especially nice with the Sheikah Shoot model. In terms of button layout, the REMATCH GLOW controller lineup offers the same layout as those of the Switch Pro Controllers. You do get extra programmable back buttons, allowing for a more customized experience.


Comfort-wise you’re getting an ergonomically shaped controller that feels solid. Gone are the days when third-party devices felt like rubbish that you would give to an unfortunate Player 2. We would have perhaps loved to see a detachable cable, as it also allows you to easily replace a busted cable without having to buy an entirely new controller. The cable was more than long enough with its 3.5 meters length, making sure we didn’t have to sit too close to our TV.

The sticks on the REMATCH GLOW have a concave design. Thanks to this, you generally have more grip on the sticks, which does help with precision-based games. The sticks also have the right amount of resistance to them, again making them more precise. The general layout of the controller is also the same as that of the Pro Controller, and the shape itself is also nearly identical. We had a solid grip on the controller itself too, especially thanks to the slightly matte plastic on the backside of the device. The back buttons aren’t too sensitive, which is also a plus. Even on more premium devices such as the Victrix Pro BFG we would often still press the back buttons by accident.


The REMATCH GLOW is a plug-and-play device that requires no additional setup. You plug in the wired controller, and you’re good to go. You can still not turn on your Switch console with this brand-new version of the controller, but that’s not really an issue. Even though the controller does have a function button, as well as two programmable back buttons, the device does not come with a physical manual. If you want to delve into the slightly more advanced features, you’ll have to consult the online guide.

Playing games with the REMATCH GLOW works just as fine as when you would play titles with a Pro Controller. Of course, the REMATCH GLOW is quite a bit lighter, which some might prefer, while others prefer a more solid controller. The build quality is still very decent, the buttons are responsive, and it’s only a fraction of the price of the Switch’s official Pro Controller. As we remarked in our original review, we still weren’t a fan of the function, home, and screenshot buttons, as they provide a lot less feedback than the other more tactile buttons. Even so, this is only a small blemish on an otherwise spotless track record.

We realize the Switch is somewhat reaching the end of its lifecycle, so it might not always be that interesting to still invest in peripherals or additional hardware for Nintendo’s aging hybrid console. For that reason, we also tried the REMATCH GLOW with many of our Steam games on PC, and we are glad to say that they work perfectly. Steam supports the REMATCH GLOW, and it was our go-to controller for our recent Samurai Warriors 4 DX review on PC. Clients such as Battle.net do not support the REMATCH GLOW controllers.


PDP’s Sheikah Shoot REMATCH GLOW Controller offers a lot of value for a very budget-friendly price. While the controller might be a bit lighter than Nintendo’s Pro Controller, it offers nearly the same experience in terms of responsiveness, comfort, and general quality. Of course, you’ll still notice the difference, but you’re getting a great gaming peripheral for only a fraction of the Pro Controller’s price.

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PDP Sheikah Shoot REMATCH GLOW Controller - Hardware Review, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Aspiring ninja.

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