A Beautiful Partnership Starts Development On A Frostpunk Mobile Game

Today NetEase Games announced that they will be partnering with 11 bit studios S.A. (a Warsaw-based game developer & publisher) for bringing the award-winning title Frostpunk to mobile devices. The game is going to be ported later this year for both iOS and Android devices. By enabling the game on mobile devices, the developers want to bring that same original Frostrpunk signature gameplay to the players that would let them dive deeper into the post-apocalypse society survival experience.
Frostpunk situates itself in the late 1800s where humanity hurled into an icy cataclysmic event. Bringing both man and early machinery to its knees. Knowing humanity the endurance and adaptation it has, staying in one place is not an option as players build and expand their cities with the help of machines. The game did have some unintuitive functions and iconographic, but that is definitely subject to change as porting such titles onto mobile devices ends with great simplification of controls.
More about the detailed release timeline of Frostpunk Mobile will be announced later this month at NetEase Games’ Annual Product Launch Event this May 20th, 2021.
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