A Little Golf Journey to join the Playtonic Friends publishing stable

From Playtonic Friends, the new publishing label from independent video game developer Playtonic, comes now A Little Golf Journey, a game where it is all about… You’ve guessed right, it’s all about golf!
The latest game to join their publishing stable, and developed by Okidokico (creators of the popular OK Golf), this little gem is set for release later this year, on Steam for PC, and on the Nintendo Switch.
Embark on an adventure of relaxation and beauty, as you are invited to play yet another round of golf on varied diorama courses, filled with secrets and challenges. Here you will not find the stressful elements of a traditional round of golf; instead, a soothing atmosphere, composed by calm music and immersive imagery, will guide your hand and, hopefully, your club!
Watch the reveal trailer here:
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