Anamorphine gets a -slight- delay

Anamorphine gets a -slight- delay

Artifact 5 is the team creating the game called Anamorphine. They are coming with some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that the expected launch date of 16 January will not be met. The good news is that the game isn’t outright cancelled. The developer found it necessary to make sure the game is actually finished, so players are getting what they are paying for, a decent experience and they don’t have to wait some time after release for a patch to fix the game after release.

So the date has been replaced with a ‘late Q1’ prognosis, though still of 2018, not 2019, so it’s not too bad. Gives you a chance to catch up to the other titles before this one hits on the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, PlayStation 4 and PC.

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First game ever was Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped, ever since then, gaming has been something that I've gravitated to. Reading's fun but not as interactive. Always up for a bout of online multiplayer. If that multiplayer is co-op. So if you are up for a friendly co-op session, hit me up. Rahenik's the name to search on PSN.

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