Anmaja’s personal top 3 of 2017

I’ve been reviewing games at 3rd Strike for a bit more than a year now. I’ve seen many games, about one every one to two weeks, ranging from AAA games to short indie games. It’s absolutely fantastic to be able to try out so many different titles from various studios and developers!
It wasn’t easy to create a top three of games I’ve reviewed this year! To create my top three I took several things into account: I didn’t want to repeat all the big lists of the huge and awesome titles which were released in 2017, so I limited my list to somewhat less famous games. The games I’ll present here are titles which surprised me and awed me when I reviewed them!
#3: Observer
The only reason that this game is at the third place instead of the second, is that I expected it to be pretty awesome before I even played it. I absolutely love dystopian cyberpunk, and the atmosphere in this game was just perfect. The story had me totally hooked until the end of the game! The art style was absolutely fantastic, constantly letting you doubt reality. And yeah.. Rutger Hauer, how cool is that! Read my review of >observer_ here.
#2: Darkside Detective
I am such a fan of this game! It managed to press all the right buttons for me, with great references, cool puzzles which were never too difficult, and amazing characters. Darkside Detective was absolutely hilarious and had me often laughing out loud while playing. The art-style looked pretty cool as well, I was only sad that it was such a short game! Read my review of The Darkside Detective here.
#1: Torment: Tides of Numenera
This game was absolutely amazing with respect to the expansiveness of the lore and the universe, and the novelty of the concepts presented in the game. Quests could be completed in a number of ways, and changed even when you arrived a bit late after accepting the quest. There were so many conversation options to explore and so much text to read, it was easy to spend 20 hours on the starting area alone. This game just blew my mind! Read my review of Torment: Tides of Numenera here.
It was pretty hard to choose a top three, so I’d like to name some other indie games which I loved as well, but just didn’t make this list.
- Neofeud: An impressive piece of work for a tiny game studio; a real interesting & colorful cyberpunk story with point ‘n click gameplay.
- Pillars of the Earth: A gorgeous point ‘n click game with an epic story which drew me in and managed to haunt me with my own decisions.
Next to these I’ve had many interesting games on my review list which I thoroughly enjoyed! Of course a huge title like Destiny 2 is super impressive and awesome to play, and art games like Calico and The first tree are a great experience. I myself am a huge fan of point ‘n click adventures, but the RPG, strategy, survival and shooter games I played were a nice change of pace and I have had a lot of fun with these games as well!
I had a great 2017 at 3rd Strike, and I hope to bring you a lot of cool reviews for 2018!
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