Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle announcement by KOEI TECMO Europe

Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle announcement by KOEI TECMO Europe

KOEI TECMO Europe revealed today the final part in their Attack on Titan series called Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle. This series is based on the immensely popular anime Attack on Titan. This installment of the series will tie everything together by letting you play some of the major characters of the series that were not playable characters before. This will expose the player base to more different views on the events than ever before. The total amount is playable characters now reached forty. The game will be available on the 5th of July 2019 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. You can find our review of the original Attack on Titan 2 right here.

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I am an Illustrator/Artist who studies Concept Art and Game Design in my free time. Designing things is in my blood and I am always very curious in making games. Motivated and dedicated to become better in every way I can. You only live once and I intend to fully enjoy it! As for gaming itself I do prefer to play the following games: FPS, RPG, Action Adventure Games, Fighting Games, Hack and Slash.

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