Bonus for who pre-ordered Hatred

Some of you might have heard something about ‘Hatred’ and you might have even pre-ordered it. If you didn’t and you still want to do it fast, you’re too late. You cannot pre-order the game any more, since the game will be released at the first of June.
There is something else though, which is explained in the next quote:
We would like to thank all our fans for their great support during the time of Hatred’s production. Thanks to your votes, tons of e-mails and spreading the word on the web, we gained a lot of visibility, new followers and finally managed to finish the project! – said Jarosław Zieliński, Destructive Creations Creative Director. We have a big surprise foreveryone who trusted us and decided to pre-order the game. You will not only be able todownload the game from Steam on May 29th but most importantly to actually play it! This means three days before the official release! And we hope you’ll enjoy it massively!
Yes, you’ve read it right. If you’ve pre-ordered the game, you can play Hatred at the 29th of May! Don’t forget your exams though.
For the people that missed this opportunity, here are some new screenshots to cheer you up.
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