Brawlhalla release date announced

Brawlhalla release date announced

Blue Mammoth games has announced that Brawlhalla, the epic free-to-play platform fighter, is set to release on PlayStation 4 and PC on October 17, 2017. On October 18, a day after the official release, they will also be launching a new corsair Legend that joins the game along with a new weapon type as well. The latter of which opens up an entirely new style of fighting. The game soon will feature PS4-PC cross-play as well!

Brawlhalla remains free-to-play but an All Legends Pack (PC) or Founder’s Pack (PS4) will become available to buy to gain instant access to all of the characters including the ones yet to come.

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I'm an allround every day gamer. I'm mostly playing the nintendo switch, 3DS or the Playstation 4. To keep things interesting I also sell smartphones for a living. Turtles are not involved in my life whatsoever.

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