Call of Cthulhu – Accolade trailer full of madness released
Call of Cthulhu finally launched last week, so fans have been able to play for a week now! The game is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. To celebrate last week’s launch, an accolade trailer has been released that will make you see more of Call of Cthulhu’s madness.
Call of Cthulhu was inspired by Lovecraftian Old Gods and other famous cosmic horrors. The game is situated on Darkwater Island where the locals are mysterious and kind of creepy. You play as investigator Edward Pierce as he investigates the deaths of the Hawkins family. Pierce will face human threats and also threats beyond human comprehension, so fighting back usually isn’t an option. As Pierce comes closer to the line between madness and sanity, he will become closer to the Great Dreamer than ever.
Call of Cthulhu is out now for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
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