Cardfight!! Vanguard DZ Booster Pack 03: Dimensional Transcendence

Due to a busy schedule, we’re a bit late to join the party that is ‘Dimensional Transcendence’. Cardfight!! Vanguard is still going strong and it’s about time we shared something about the DZ Booster Pack 03 with our readers. This Booster Pack follows the same format as the previous two by introducing new Ridelines and interesting support for older decks. As always, we also want to mention keeping an eye on local tournaments via Bushi Navi. You might win cool promo cards or even exclusive playmats. Bushiroad is offering local game stores the opportunity to host a variety of events for all their card games.

As always, we’d love to discuss every card in the Booster Pack, but that’s sadly impossible. For this set, we’re taking a closer look at interesting cards such as the reprint of Bracing Angel Ladder, deck support for older Ridelines via cards such as Innocent Monster in Paradise, Arkhite and Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier, but also interesting support cards such as Friendly Maiden, Alvina.

Back by popular demand is Bracing Angel Ladder, which is an interesting Normal Order card that has three distinct effects. When playing Bracing Angel Ladder, you’ll get to draw a card, boost your Vanguard’s power by 5000, and protect your units until the end of your opponent’s next turn. You’ll make it so that your opponent cannot target your units via effects.

Interesting deck support for older decks is provided for Dark States and Brandt Gate via Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier and Innocent Monster in Paradise, Arkhite respectively. Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier allows players to ‘swarm’ the field by calling units out of the Soul during the main phase, to draw a card, gain power, and even get a possible additional +1 Critical during the Vanguard’s attack. However, you’ll have to put two of your own units in the Soul to do so. Innocent Monster in Paradise, Arkhite further revolves around Monster units and is able to boost Monster cards and even call additional Monster cards during its attack. It’s a fun back and forth by placing Monsters in the Order Zone to later call them to the field or use them to boost the power of your own monsters.

Last but not least, there is an interesting support card for Stoicheia, namely thanks to the aforementioned Friendly Maiden, Alvina. We wanted to highlight this particular card, simply because it works well in so many Stoicheia decks. Not only can Alvina call back Grade 1 units from the Drop Zone, which is already great for certain decks, but it also can retrieve Order cards back from the Drop Zone. Alvina can, of course, not do both actions simultaneously, so you’ll have to choose which action you wish to perform. On top of that, you’ll not be able to retrieve Regalis Pieces back from the Drop Zone.

We would love to highlight more cards in this set, but then we’d probably be typing an article that is the length of a few essays to discuss everything properly. We suggest checking out this Booster Pack, and who knows, your next Vanguard might be in there somewhere. Like always, we hope to see you in our next short Booster Pack spotlight.

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Aspiring ninja.

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