Reviews / Movies & Series

Stargirl: Season 1 (DVD) – Movie Review

Stargirl: Season 1 (DVD) – Movie Review

DC has gained a lot of attention again during these last few weeks with the release of the Snyder Cut of Justice League. Nonetheless, their series have been going strong in the background as well, wit... Read More »

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The Little Things (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

The Little Things (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Even in the oversaturated genre of detective and crime movies, new entries are added to its ever-expanding library. The genre has many fans, ranging from those who just want to watch their murder myst... Read More »

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Monster Hunter (4K UHD) – Movie Review

Monster Hunter (4K UHD) – Movie Review

Monster Hunter has been on the rise for quite some time now. Even if the games were somewhat more obscure here nearly a decade ago, they started gaining a lot of popularity by also covering more platf... Read More »

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2067 (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

2067 (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Sci-Fi movies are often somewhat a dime a dozen, and it’s hard to find the decent ones in the never-ending library of titles. More than often this involves crappy CGI, flimsy storylines and most of ... Read More »

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After We Collided (DVD) – Movie Review

After We Collided (DVD) – Movie Review

After We Collided is the sequel to teen romance drama After, released back in 2019. These movies have a bit of a curious history, starting out as a series of online novels based on the popular band On... Read More »

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Locked Down (VOD) – Movie Review

Locked Down (VOD) – Movie Review

Having the world on lockdown has been a disaster for many businesses, as their usual income was (and is) not guaranteed. Because of this, a lot of people have lost their jobs or were put on furlough u... Read More »

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Hard Kill (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Hard Kill (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Bruce Willis may have been one of the most iconic actors in Hollywood, to now only wallow in the past and produce his own movies, making him the (almost elderly) action hero. While some of these films... Read More »

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The Last Vermeer (DVD) – Movie Review

The Last Vermeer (DVD) – Movie Review

When games or movies are made about the Second World War, these often involve brutal scenes in concentration camps, bloody battles and the poverty of those under the yoke of the German occupation. Thi... Read More »

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Wonder Woman 1984 (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Wonder Woman 1984 (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Arguably, 2017’s Wonder Woman might actually be the best female superhero movie ever made. That is an awfully big claim for us to make, but even so, many others do not come close to the overall qual... Read More »

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Horizon Line (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Horizon Line (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Going to a tropical location may be something we all wish for at a certain point in our lives. Many of us would love to get away from crowded cities, walk along sandy beaches, look at the local fauna ... Read More »

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