Reviews / iPhone/iPad/Android

Secret Files: Tanguska – Review

Secret Files: Tanguska – Review

Mobile devices are getting more and more juice when it comes to graphics and processing power. Even phones are already as powerful as desktop computers once were. No wonder then that older computer ga... Read More »

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The Wolf Among Us – Review

The Wolf Among Us – Review

The Wolf Among Us is from the creators of the critically acclaimed the Walking Dead Season One and Two, namely Telltale Games. The interactive thriller is based on the Fables comic book series from DC... Read More »

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Anomaly Defenders – Review

Anomaly Defenders – Review

Anomaly Defenders is the latest and last installment of the Anomaly series by 11 Bit Studios. While the previous installments introduced us to the tower offensive gameplay, the end of the series has g... Read More »

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Speed Kills – Review

Speed Kills – Review

Holy Warp and Black Wing Foundation released Speed Kills in February 2013 for the iOS. Now in 2014, they released it for the PC. Speed Kills is an action-packed death racing game, set in the 31st cent... Read More »

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 – Review

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 – Review

As almost every Marvel movie has been made into a game, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 isn’t an exception. Crawling alongside the walls, swinging between buildings and punishing bad guys, that’s... Read More »

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Ærena: Clash of Champions – Review

Ærena: Clash of Champions – Review

Ærena: Clash of Champions is a new competitive game where players take it up against one another for the sake of eternal glory and pots of gold. No, I didn’t mean that literally so if you’re here... Read More »

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Beware Planet Earth – Review

Beware Planet Earth – Review

Haven’t we all thought about the existence of aliens or other life in outer space? What if there really existed another form of life out there, and what is that life form wasn’t that friendly? Wel... Read More »

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AppDate: Cut The Rope 2 – Review
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AppDate: Floppy Bird 3D – Review
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AppDate : God Of Light – Review
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