Reviews / iPhone/iPad/Android

Line Of Defense Tactics – Tactical Advantage – Review

Line Of Defense Tactics – Tactical Advantage – Review

Have you ever played a PC port of a mobile game? If you did, it was probably not that good. Line Of Defense Tactics is another one of those games. Line Of Defense is an action strategy game and has be... Read More »

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Robot Blitz – Review

Robot Blitz – Review

Everyone knows and has played the classic arcade game Pac-man. Chillsters wanted to bring the old concept with them into this era by adding more features, improving the graphics and more. Story The st... Read More »

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Monkey Mofo – Review

Monkey Mofo – Review

Looking for a game to play on your mobile device which can keep you busy for short periods of times? Whether if you’re in a waiting room or taking the train to work, Monkey Mofo is your choice! Monk... Read More »

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Paddlin’ out – Review

Paddlin’ out – Review

RUN! THEY’RE EVERYWHERE! Apps are swarming our phone and I reckon there are almost more apps than shoes.  We have apps for cooking, checking the weather, finding a date and of course, enjoying ours... Read More »

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The Walk – Review

The Walk – Review

Plenty of researchers have written dozens of books about gamification, a modern-day trend that introduces elements from video games as well as achievements and rewards to otherwise everyday tasks. Fit... Read More »

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Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Review

Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Review

One of the best RPG’s of all time, superb battle system, intense story line,… these are the sort of statements you’ll probably hear when you ask a veteran Baldur’s Gate player to summarize  t... Read More »

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Drive on Moscow – Review

Drive on Moscow – Review

Drive on Moscow is a successor to iOS tactical warfare-game Battle of the Bulge. At the same time, it’s also part of Shenandoah Studio’s quartet of Kickstarter endeavours. I still keep Bat... Read More »

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Fractal – Review

Fractal – Review

After the award winning Auditorium and Pulse, Cipher Prime comes with yet another great game called Fractal. Fractal is a very vivid, colorful and hard puzzle game which will make you want to rage qui... Read More »

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AiRace Speed – Review

AiRace Speed – Review

Climb in your cockpit and put your helmet on, to brace yourself for the tracks you’ll have to fly through in AiRace Speed. One of the newest games on iOS and the Nintendo 3DS. AiRace Speed happens t... Read More »

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Nightmares of the Deep: The Cursed Heart – Review

Nightmares of the Deep: The Cursed Heart – Review

What could happen when you excavate one of the most feared and devilish pirates? Nothing, right? Well, what if I tell you that the pirate came to life, took someone dear to you and sailed to a haunted... Read More »

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