Character details in ONINAKI have been revealed

Some rather significant information about the characters in the newest title from Tokyo RPG Factory has been revealed. ONINAKI is set to release in the summer of 2019 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam.
In ONINAKI, players will take a journey with Kagachi – a young Watcher – who has embodied the reincarnation. Kagachi’s task is to find lost souls and guide these spirits to the next world. During one of his guidance trips, he meets Linne – a mysterious and young lady without any memories of her past – and his faith becomes intertwined with blood and death. In his adventure, players will also come across the outstanding Watcher and leader Mayura as well as the evil Night Devil, a sword fighter from a lost era who seems to be after Linne.
Check out the character reveal trailer for a better view of the Watchers, Linne and the Night Devil as they are moving between the Living World and the realm of the dead.
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