Clone Drone in the Danger Zone – Steam early access!
Clone Drone in the Danger Zone is coming to Steam! From March 16th, the game will be available on Steam in early access, including the newest update which will put everything on fire! Clone Drone in the Danger Zone has been greenlit on Steam in only 3 days. This indie game has been developed and published by Doborog Games.
In Clone Drone in the Danger Zone your human mind gets downloaded into a robot body which needs to survive the brutal trials of the robot battle arena. Any part of your robot body can be sliced off, and you can crush opponents into bits or set them ablaze. Fight your way to freedom and save your human consciousness!
Find out more about the game and it’s innovative ‘Twitch Mode’ on the Clone Drone in the Danger Zone’s Steam page!
This bestselling game is already available via, but the newest update, which includes burning voxels, flaming weapons and fiery new maps, will be released on March 16th as well. All owners will be given a copy of the game on Steam.
The newest update of the game features:
- The Inferno Challenge: 10 new levels to experience, with fiery (and deadly) additions like bubbling hot lava!
- Endless Weapon Challenge: weapon challenges have been added, inspired by YouTube fan videos.
- Powerful abilities to unlock: When conquering a challenge, new abilities and weapons will be unlocked in the Upgrade Tree. Earn yourself a new achievement on Steam!
“Part of our strategy is releasing something new and spectacular with each update. This time we asked ourselves: What if everything… WAS ON FIRE!???”
-Erik Rydeman, Founder
There will be many updates in the future, expect spectacular new additions to the different game modes, enemies, abilities, and a lot of weirdness in general!
Check out the Clone Drone in the Danger Zone official page for more info!
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