Closer look at Sniper Elite 4’s pre-order content

Today, Rebellion and Koch Media have released a trailer and some screenshots of ‘Target: Führer’, the pre-order content of their upcoming game Sniper Elite 4. They offer us an interesting first look at how players can find different ways to take out the dangerous Nazi-leader, Adolf Hitler. This way, players get a pretty good impression of the game mechanics and its tactical third-person combat in an unique environment such as a U-boat factory flooded with elite Nazi troops. ‘Target: Führer’ can be played alone or in co-op and offers unlimited replay that rewards players with achievements or trophies for their sublime markmanship.
The content will be added for free with the digital and retail pre-orders of Sniper Elite 4. After a worldwide release on the 14th of february 2017 for both PS4, Xbox One and PC, the extra content will be available for sale.
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