Co-op mode announced for Stronghold: Warlords

Co-op mode announced for Stronghold: Warlords

Firefly Studios have revealed that their upcoming RTS Stronghold: Warlords will feature a co-op mode. Allowing players to share control of a single castle when playing together online, this co-op mode will vary from the regular team-based multiplayer formula. In addition to being able to party up and build separate castles in team deathmatch, the game will also allow players to share control over a large shared army, peasant population, castle defenses and network of warlords under their command.

The new warlords system, in which players may command a network of warlords across the battlefield, also benefits from this new game mode. Advanced players will be able to share the burden of the strategy between them, optimizing the use of each warlord for economic or militaristic purposes.

Stronghold: Warlords is scheduled to release on March 9th, 2021 on Steam, players can find out more about the game by visiting the official website: More information about the new game mode is also available in the newest trailer for the game:

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