Conan Unconquered revealed

Conan Unconquered revealed

Made by the same team that created the Command & Conquer franchise, comes: Conan Unconquered. This RTS game is set in the world of Conan but has a slight twist, instead of your classic RTS formula it is now a survival version. Imagine having to build bases and endure constant attacks, this ramps up the difficulty but this will also happen to your opponents. If it gets a bit hot in the kitchen you can always get online and do multiplayer co-op to work together for fighting of those hordes of enemies.  You can now pre-order the game on PC and have the selection between the regular and deluxe edition. The deluxe edition includes the following:

  • Exclusive DLC: Kalanthes, a spell-casting hero unit
  • Exclusive DLC: King Conan hero unit
  • Game Soundtrack
  • Original Conan Unconquered eBook

A release date is yet to be announced, but please let the trailer tell you some more about this interesting title.


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Never give up on a dream. It might be a long nightmare, but one day it will change into a beautiful reality - MC_JP 2014

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