Contest: 3x Minions (2): The Rise of Gru (Blu-ray)

Contest: 3x Minions (2): The Rise of Gru (Blu-ray)

With the holiday season in the rearview mirror, we sadly realize we spent a bit too much on presents for our loved ones. Don’t fret, however, as Universal Pictures Home Entertainment was so kind to send us a few copies of the second Minions movie to give away. These yellow mumbling henchmen can now wreak havoc in your living room whilst the kids are guaranteed to laugh at their antics. To keep things simple once again, here’s what you have to do.

  • Of what franchise is Minions a spin-off? (Answer can be found by clicking here.)
  • How many people will have answered the previous question correctly by the contest’s deadline of Sunday the 29th of January 2023?

Answers have to be mailed to with the header Minions before the contest’s deadline.

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Aspiring ninja.

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