Create your own Skylander in Skylanders Imaginators

Activision has announced Skylanders Imaginators. In Skylanders Imaginators players get the opportunity to design their very own Skylander by choosing their appearance, powers, characteristics, name, slogan, music and much more.
With the evil Kaos who set out to take over Skylands, it’s up to the Portal Masters and their Imaginators to defeat Kaos. The Imaginators are designed by using Creation Crystals, these can also be used to transfer the Imaginators to consoles.
The Skylanders Senseis will also be appearing in Skylanders Imaginators. These are new heroes, which are divided into 10 Battle Classes, a couple of these classes are Knight, Sorcerer, Bowslinger and Brawler. Skylanders Senseis can train the Imaginators and by doing so creating extra opportunities like special Imaginator weapons and Secret Techniques from the Battle Class. Thanks to the Senseis players also get access to special areas in the game. Senseis also have the unique Sky-Chi gift, which is a Battle Class super move. In total there are 31 Senseis, among these there are also villains.
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