Crown of Three #3 A Kingdom Rises (Driesterrenkroon # 3 Een Koninkrijk Herrijst) – Book Review
Follow Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Written by: J. D. Rinehart
Publisher: Manteau

Crown of Three #3 A Kingdom Rises (Driesterrenkroon # 3 Een Koninkrijk Herrijst) – Book Review

Site Score
Good: Decent ending, Thrilling
Bad: Sometimes a bit predictable
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Rating: 7.3/10 (3 votes cast)

Toronia finds itself in another turmoil with wars all over the place. The zombie infested capital has been razed to the ground, Elodie finds herself back in Vicerin’s clutches, while Tarlan saw his brother fall down the flames that consumed the city and he no longer wants anything to do with the human world. Gulph, well his fate remains uncertain, which makes the prophecy wobble in its boots, while the land needs the triplet now more than ever. We pick up where we left off to present you with our findings of this conclusive part of the trilogy.

Crown of Three 3

Tarlan thinks that Elodie has betrayed him and went back to Vicerin on purpose. Little did he know that it was all a ploy, hoping Vicerin would save the battle weary resistance troops. Nonetheless, Tarlan decides he no longer wants anything to do with the prophecy or even the human and animal world for that matter. While he wanted to leave on his own, it’s Theeta that carries him to the other side of the world, to a place where he’ll discover his true purpose in life.

Elodie went back to Vicerin without putting up a fight, hoping Fessan and the other resistance fighters would be spared. Sadly, Vicerin is not a man of his word and soon after the weary warriors were all slaughtered. The latter however soon proved to be useful for Elodie, as she was able to summon the fallen warriors to strengthen her army of ghosts. Elodie is slowly learning how to master her powers, and she will certainly need them if she wants to escape the vile clutches of Vicerin. Nonetheless, before she knows it, other skirmishes break loose around Vicerin’s fortress.

Gulph’s fate remains unknown, especially with one of the three stars being dimmed a lot, which might mean he has crossed over to the other side. Of course, while you can expect the most predictable course of action on this part of the story, you’ll still be surprised to see how and where he has turned out, be it alive or dead.

Just like the previous books, this book has its fair share of struggles to overcome and even more grand battles than the previous books. The latter is sometimes a bit much, as the entire book tends to feel like one gigantic battle, that slows down and kicks up a few chapters later again to be toned down in turn once again. J. D. Rinehart (Graham Edwards) still does a great job keeping the young Game of Thrones vibe intact, but he forgets to slow down now and then to let the characters come to life a bit more, or to let them contemplate on the things to come. Nonetheless, the story is very enjoyable and you’ll be driven to the edge of your seat until the end.


The conclusive part of the Crown of Three trilogy offers the same qualitative and exciting storyline as its predecessors. While the battles may be a bit omnipotent in this book, the characters still evolve, the story remains entertaining for young and old and you’ll get a satisfying ending. While this series is aimed at young adults, you’ll certainly get a very entertaining tale which will fill several hours of your spare time.

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Crown of Three #3 A Kingdom Rises (Driesterrenkroon # 3 Een Koninkrijk Herrijst) - Book Review, 7.3 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

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