Days Gone available as of today

The zombie survival game Days Gone is available as of today, and if you haven’t seen our review yet, you can find it here. Developed by Bend Studio, Days Gone is a PlayStation 4 exclusive title in which players find themselves in a post-apocalyptic America that has been hit by a deadly virus.
Crawling into the shoes of the ex-outlaw biker and bounty hunter Deacon St. John, players travel across the United States in order to find purpose during an era where death is around every corner. Abandoned villages will be your playing field, searching for items you can use to craft valuable objects and weapons. There are several routes to take in Days Gone. As a pacifist, players can trade with other survivors. The more aggressive paths would result in more violent solutions.
Each of the different landscapes of the Pacific Northwest are gorgeous but also deadly as both humankind as animals are afflicted but with your trustworthy bike, you can travel in the continuously changing weather conditions, away from danger. At least, if you have prepared yourselves well enough.
If you are curious about Days Gone, check out the trailer below and don’t forget to tune into our review.
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