Written by: Marc Legendre
Illustrations: Fabio Bono
Coloring: Dimitri Fogolin
Publisher: Standaard Uitgeverij
De Rode Ridder #251 De Gevangene – Comic Book Review
It has only been several months since the chivalrous Johan received a total graphical overhaul, where the once classical illustrations made way for a more ‘American comic book-like style’. The fairly ‘tight’ drawings, were quickly turned into a more gritty experience, with more blood, female beauty and a very dark atmosphere surrounding the entire plot. With the brand new style also came a rather new personality for the valiant red knight, as it seems he has grown weary of his (mis)adventures over the years, and has left his overall appearance dwindle to become a more grungy looking knight. That being said, the series still has enough action, mystery, wizards and occult things going on for Johan, Merlin and the friends and enemies he will surely make during the upcoming issues.
The 250th issue of ‘De Rode Ridder’ concluded with Johan coming to the conclusion that Allis, the peculiar young girl, was in fact the chosen one Merlin was looking for. Just when Johan was determined to bring her to the wise and old sorcerer, Allis was nabbed away by Malfrat’s soldiers before his very own eyes, forcing the knight in pursuit of those who are meaning to harm his travel companion-to-be.
This issue begins with Johan at the castle walls, trying to sneak his way in, hoping to recover Allis, even though he is filled with doubts on why she would be the chosen one for Merlin’s mysterious plans. Sadly, Malfrat is expecting the knight, and hopes to bring him under his control, by using Allis’ life as leverage and as expected, Johan can’t see the life of an innocent girl be taken, if he can have any say over it. After agreeing to become Malfrat’s prisoner, who will make sure the populace will not raise a hand against him because he has the support of a knight of the round table, Johan is forced to accompany Malfrat’s soldiers on their plunders. Of course, the thieving leader calls them ‘taxes’ and hopes the people will just blindly pay because Johan rides with his men, and for the most part this plan seems to work, until Malfrat’s men cross certain boundaries. Johan can’t sit by idly anymore and rebels, which doesn’t have the perfect outcome, but all that matters right now is securing Allis.
Overall, while the pace is very fast and the action is pretty much omnipotent, it becomes painfully clear that with the updated style, the current team working on the series should have made the albums a bit thicker as well. This issue is pretty much one long, well brought, action sequence with a minimum of story value, making the readers go home empty-handed, if they were hoping for a bit more information about the story the new series is heading towards. That being said, this album is equally as exciting as the first issue of the reboot, clearly showing that Marc Legendre does have a lot in store for us, if the series already starts off with a bang like this.
Tossing all protest aside stating De Rode Ridder would have been better off staying the way it was before, Fabio Bono already makes it feel as if this series has never been depicted in another fashion, giving the reader the feeling that this style was properly designed for the series, or that it has always been this way. Granted, there will be fans who will be homesick of the original style, but considering the complete overhaul, the current illustration team truly bombarded this series into a very modern jacket. The colors chosen by Dimitro Fogolin suit this medieval canvas perfectly, and give it, just like the story, that perfect ominous and grim touch.
De Rode Ridder #251 De Gevangene might offer a bit less in term of story content compared to issue #250, but it does grant you a hefty dose of action sequences and excitement. With the overall series evolving in such a fashion, we are quite sure that the coming issues will slowly lift the veil off of what truly is going on, and that we are in for a treat. Action, modern illustrations and a grim story are pretty much all you’ll need to entertain yourself with during your offtime.
De Rode Ridder #251 De Gevangene – Comic Book Review,
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