Dead or Alive 6: two more fighters join the roster

Dead or Alive 6: two more fighters join the roster

Another two names get added to the existing line-up for Dead or Alive 6. We already knew Helena Douglas, Hayate, Ryu Hayabusa, Zack, Kasumi, and Jann Lee made the cut. The Uncrowned Street Hero, Diego is making this debut, he is a street fighter from New York. His style is raw and uses everything from headbutts to tackles, whatever it takes. He might look though but he has a tiny heart when it comes to helping his ailing mother. On the other end we have Rig, he already made an appearance in Dead or Alive 5. He is a former oil platform worker with some serious acrobatic kicks. To start of early Rig challenges Diego to a New York ally fight.

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I am an Illustrator/Artist who studies Concept Art and Game Design in my free time. Designing things is in my blood and I am always very curious in making games. Motivated and dedicated to become better in every way I can. You only live once and I intend to fully enjoy it! As for gaming itself I do prefer to play the following games: FPS, RPG, Action Adventure Games, Fighting Games, Hack and Slash.

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