Doom bares its gameplay fangs

Doom bares its gameplay fangs

When the word got out about the Doom reboot, some might have reacted sceptically. Well it needs to be said that those people might want to adjust their theorem about Doom being just an graphically upgraded Doom 3 BFG edition. It looks stunning, in all its goriness there’s a high graphical fidelity.

Something that looks beautiful on the outside doesn’t mean it’ll be more than just a run of the mill run and gunner. The game is said to be mostly about skill and tactical thinking when you blast your way across the battlefield.

Hugo Martin likes to describe the gameplay as: “Bruce Lee in a skatepark with a shotgun.” Which is certainly a step up from the previous entry in the franchise.

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First game ever was Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped, ever since then, gaming has been something that I've gravitated to. Reading's fun but not as interactive. Always up for a bout of online multiplayer. If that multiplayer is co-op. So if you are up for a friendly co-op session, hit me up. Rahenik's the name to search on PSN.

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