Double Kick Heroes Going Rogue update

A while ago we wrote a preview about Double Kick Heroes and today the word got out that the game is getting an update in Early Access. Going Rogue adds a bunch of new features and the OST to Steam. These new features include:
- Chill Mode – now experience Double Kick Heroes without any threat
- Fury Road – enter the fury road, battle levels in the endless torment and daily fury, modify Sheila and your weapons, gain perks and loop the game.
- Partition Speed option, the game is too slow, let’s push speed to eleven!
- Auto Steering. Does Steering Sheilah give you a headache? We got you covered, brother!
- Release full OST Volume 2 on Steam, Itch and soon on YouTube.
- A hella lotta fixes and more optimizing stuff.
- Added Chapter 6 regular beta Access.
We also got a headbanging sweet trailer for you down below.
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