Eternity: The Last Unicorn – Review
Follow Genre: RPG
Developer: Void Studios
Publisher: 1C Entertainment
Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Tested On: PC

Eternity: The Last Unicorn – Review

Site Score
Good: Good story, Inspired by Nordic mythology, Challenging gameplay
Bad: Outdated grahpics, Fixed camera angles, Bugs
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VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 6.0/10 (3 votes cast)

Void Studios spent the last four years working on a new RPG game featuring Nordic mythology and unicorns. This is definitely an idea that speaks to many. Besides this, the Brazilian indie studio is also targeting gamers that share a love of classic RPGs like Resident Evil. A throwback to older days in many ways it seems, some days older than the other. If you are just as curious about this game as we were, you better continue reading.


Eternity: The Last Story was inspired by tales from Norse mythology. When Elves starting inhabiting the World of Alfheim, a wonderful power was bestowed upon them. Marea, the creator, and guardian of nature handed them four sacred unicorns. These magical creatures turned them immortal. Since this power was passed on through the generations, every elf became immortal. But one night, the unicorns suddenly disappeared. All, except one. The surviving unicorn was cursed by witches and had a broken horn. The unicorn was handed over to a young elf named Aurehen. According to ancient scrolls, she is the only one capable of restoring its power. With the help of Bior, a Viking searching for his missing troops, the young elf is ready to explore the large and beautiful realm of Vanaheim.

The story is brought to us in a very fitting manner. It gets explained to us with pictures and text in what seems like Elvish or an old Nordic language. You get the English translation, also in text. The fact that we get the story explained in a book with Elvish pictures and an ancient language, is a nice feature that was added. Overall, the story is quite interesting, seeing as it’s based on Nordic folklore. Some of the other things based on this old folklore are creatures (Jotuns, Fenrir,..), symbols, items, architecture and scenery.


Graphically, the game feels quite a bit outdated. Yes, the game is supposed to resemble a classic RPG, but still, the graphics could’ve been adapted to modern day graphics. That put aside, the game does feature some beautiful creatures, environments, and characters, and clearly, a lot of thought was put into creating this world. It’s a shame these aren’t brought to their full potential because the graphics feel unfinished.


There’s a suiting soundtrack that manages to capture the fantasy world you’re traveling through. However, sometimes there seem to be issues with the transitions between two tracks. It all feels way too abrupt when you enter a new part and it gets in the way of enjoying the musical score to its fullest.

The game offers no voice acting. This is a real shame since it’s a fantasy game and voice acting would’ve been great here. The various monsters, the elves, Vikings,… They could’ve really added some interesting voices. We’re feeling a missed opportunity here.


Eternity: The Last Unicorn is a classic RPG. You travel through fantasy locations, encounter various fantasy characters, and fight to protect Elvish immortality. Now, one of the first things you’ll notice is the fixed camera angles. This can definitely be seen as a demerit in this game since it’s hard to be able to fully function like this. You’ll often switch angles abruptly, making you lose focus on your enemies. It gets easier the longer you play but still, it continues to feel annoying.

Throughout the game, you’ll encounter many enemies. Sometimes they come alone, other times they manage to overwhelm you. These enemies can cause a lot of damage, like half of your health bar could be gone after taking one hit. So dodging is very important in this game. As for the attacking part, you can simply hit your targets and use a charged attack. Fair warning: after you kill certain enemies, they might explode, causing extra damage. This happens very randomly and the first time it happens, it comes as a real surprise. Enemies also respawn a few minutes after you killed them. Now, when you overpowered your opponent, they’ll drop some loot. Loot includes red crystals and various items that can be used to craft new items at fixed places. Besides your regular enemies, you’ll eventually face some bosses. If the game was tricky before, it’s hell now. The bosses are (obviously) extremely powerful and dodging is even more important here. It’s a pain in the ass that sometimes you can experience bugs while being in combat. This is highly distracting and not welcome at all during an already medium to difficult fight.

The red crystals we just mentioned can be used to buy items and upgrade your weapons. These red crystals can also be retrieved when smashing items you encounter on your journey, for example, vases. There are also green crystals, which recover a part of your health. Speaking of your health bar, you start off with a quarter of the full circle that symbolizes your health. When you complete a certain task, you’ll unlock the full health bar.

In order to gain access to new areas, you’ll have to upgrade your skills and solve puzzles. Entrances to new places will be locked in one way or another, for example by magic. This adds some extra challenge next to the combat.

In the escape menu, you’ll find Character Info and your Journal. The Character Info gives some basic information about your character, for example, its level, experience points, and attack speed. The journal provides you with a lot of information. First, there are the characters. Every character you meet on your journey will be documented in your journal. The entries contain a little bit of the history of a certain character. Next, there’s a monsters log. This log comes in quite handy. Just like with the characters, you’ll find every monster you’ve encountered here along with some background information. It also shows what items a certain monster drops. This is useful when you’re looking for certain items to craft something. There’s also a map in your journal where you can check all the places you’ve already visited (these will be highlighted) and the ones you’ve yet to discover. It also shows your current position on the map. Lastly, you’ll find a tutorial in your journal. This is nothing more than an explanation of the controls used in-game. There’s no fancy try-out or anything, it’s very basic. The information that is given in the journal is enormous. Clearly, a lot of thought was put into the story and the background. Honestly, this is just wonderful to see and experience!

Furthermore, there are four quick slots available where you can for example place items to regain health. This is highly recommended because of the mentioned difficulties with defeating enemies. If you want to save your game, three slots are provided. Saving can only be done at campfires.


Eternity: The Last Unicorn is a difficult game to rate. On the one hand, it has the charm of being inspired by Norse mythology, challenging gameplay and provides the player with a lot of side information about the world and creatures you’re discovering. But on the other hand, the stiff camera, reappearing bugs and outdated graphics really put a damper on it. It feels as if this game is not finished yet and still needs some work, with the feedback of its players. This would be an okay Early Access game but it’s actually a fully developed game that sets you back 20 bucks. We’re not totally disappointed but we’re not satisfied either.

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 6.0/10 (3 votes cast)
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Eternity: The Last Unicorn - Review, 6.0 out of 10 based on 3 ratings
Maui Vindevogel

23 year old based in Belgium with a passion for writing

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