Fallout 4’s first DLC Automatron is now available

The first DLC for Fallout 4 is now available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC for a fee of 9,99 Euros or its local equivalent. Dubbed as Automatron, the first DLC features a mysterious Mechanist whom unleashed a horde of evil robots into the Commonwealth, including the devious Robobrain. You’ll be able to hunt them down and harvest their parts so you may build your own custom robot companions. The DLC offers over hundreds of mods where you can mix limbs, armor, abilities and weapons as you see fit. The custom robots are customizable as you can pick from a large variation of paint schemes and even which voices the bots will have. This feature is for characters of level 15 or higher so you may want to level up a bit if you have not yet reached to this point.
Automatron is not going to be the last add-on for Fallout 4. In fact two more add-on packs have already been announced for the next two months. In April the Wasteland Workshop is going to be released for half the price of Automatron while in May the DLC pack Far Harbor will be released for a price of 24.99 Euros or its local equivalent. Additional add-ons will be revealed in the near future, including free updates such as a Survival Mode and the Creation Kit. The latter one will allow players to create their own mods on PC and these can then be shared with the rest of the world. So stay tuned for more Fallout 4 news but those who are feeling antsy can watch the trailer below for Automatron.
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