Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward will be temporarily free

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward will be temporarily free

You haven’t read the title wrong, Square Enix has announced that the award-winning first expansion pack for the highly praised MMO Final Fantasy XIV Online will be temporarily free as of now until the 27th of June. Owners of the base game A Realm Reborn of the Final Fantasy XIV Online Starter Edition on PC, Mac and PlayStation 4 can add Heavensward to their account and can keep the expansion for eternity.

By adding Heavensward, players gain access to three additional jobs, namely Dark Knight, Astrologian and Machinist. Additionally, players also gain access to the playable race Au Ra, all additional content and main scenario updates of the Heavensward cycle. This includes a plethora of dungeons, trials, side quests and much more.

If you are unsure of Heavensward, feel free to read our review here, or check out the trailer below. Don’t forget that you will have limited time to add Heavensward to your account if you want to gain access to the expansion for free.

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Hi! I'm Jess and I’m a writer, dreamer and gamer at heart since the early ages. I primarily game on PC but occasionally also on PS4 and Xbox One. I have a tiny obsession for World of Warcraft and caterpillars but you may also claim I have a devoted passion for the gaming industry in general. If you want to hit me up, find me on twitter!

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