Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers’ collaboration with NieR set to return with patch 5.3

Square Enix revealed a ton of new information regarding patch 5.3 for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. The new patch continues the Shadowbringers storyline and brings a new chapter to the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse alliance raid series. Additionally, the main game’s storyline, A Realm Reborn, is being streamlined to enhance the experience of newcomers as they progress through the campaign to reach the expansion content.
The patch introduces the following content:
-New main story quest
-An update to the main questline A Realm Reborn
-New YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse alliance raid
-New dungeon: The Heroes’ Gauntlet
-New trial
-Updates for the Save the Queen-questline
-New Chronicles of a New Era-quest
-Ishgard Restoration update
-New Beast Tribe quests
-New updates for Game+
-New battle content: Unreal Trials
-Crafter & Gatherer Updates
-Job adjustments for PVP and PVE, system updates and more
Additionally, next Thursday sees the debut of a bonus episode for the popular “The Creation of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers” series on YouTube. This extra special episode delves into YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse and shows Naoki Yoshida, Yosuke Saito and Yoko Taro as they discuss how the NieR-collaboration came to be, and what players may expect in the future. Shadowbringers is the third expansion of Final Fantasy XIV online. The game is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One
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