Get your skates on and hop into the Rollerdrome today!

Get your skates on and hop into the Rollerdrome today!

Private Division and Roll7 announced today that Rollerdrome, their brand new, highly imaginative third-person shooter-skate game, is now available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam. The new game comes from Roll7, the creators of OlliOlli World. It’s an exciting single-player shooting game that brings together arena combat, fluid movement, and technical tricks to create “flowstate chaos”. Set in 2030, Rollerdrome takes place in a world where the public is distracted from an increasingly sinister political development by the violence and excesses of the titular brutal new arena sport. Contestants are chosen to take on the deadly house players in a series of challenges, combining shutdowns with flashy tricks as they complete countless challenges and attempt to survive.

Players step into the roller skates of Kara Hassan, a newcomer to the Rollerdrome tournament. As the mysteries of a corrupt tech giant unfold behind the scenes, Kara and the player must stay focused on their goal of climbing the rankings, in the hopes of becoming the next Rollerdrome champion. Rollerdrome introduces a distinct retro-futuristic universe with a unique graphic style inspired by comic books. The Electric Dragon soundtrack fuses iconic 70s sounds with modern thumping beats to provide an energetic backdrop to the carnage. Rollerdrome is available now as a digital download for €29.99 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and on PC via Steam. The game is available for an introductory price of €19.79 on Steam and on the PlayStation system for PlayStation Plus members of all levels. A free trial of the game is also available to PlayStation Plus Premium members from today.

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