Get your survival instincts in gear in the newest Metal Gear

So Konami made an oopsy. No biggy, it’s not like there’s a vast horde of angry pissed off fans that will be highly unlikely to touch anything you create, right? If you are of the forgiving kind, then you might be excited to hear that the latest game in the Metal Gear franchise hits today. It’s available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam. If you’ve played Metal Gear V: Ground Zeroes, which is the prequel to Metal Gear V: The Phantom Pain then you’re all set to go, as the game takes place after the events of it.
You won’t even have to go at it alone, as you’ll be able to play co-op with a friend, so both of you can scavenge the outlands and try to make it out of the cataclysmic story event of Metal Gear Survive.
More information on the game can be found here.
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