Hear and see the ‘Call of Cthulhu’ in the latest gameplay trailer

Hear and see the ‘Call of Cthulhu’ in the latest gameplay trailer

The Darkwater investigation is ramping up as things become interesting with cults, conspiracies and even the ‘Old Ones’ being thrown in the mix. Mark the 30th of October in your calendar, because that’s when ‘Call of Cthulhu’ is launching on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Play as Private Investigator Edward Pierce and uncover the truth. You’ll do this by upgrading your sleuthing skills. As you upgrade your skills you’ll be able to open up new conversation options and come to more firm conclusions. So investigations will go much smoother.

Don’t expect Edward to go out and beat the everliving snot out of his enemies so he’ll have to rely on stealth to overcome adversaries.

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First game ever was Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped, ever since then, gaming has been something that I've gravitated to. Reading's fun but not as interactive. Always up for a bout of online multiplayer. If that multiplayer is co-op. So if you are up for a friendly co-op session, hit me up. Rahenik's the name to search on PSN.

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