Heavy Metal Machines wrecks your download speed! (with some more updates)

Shredding into view is developers Hoplon’s new announcement of their season 3 content for car-MOBA Heavy Metal Machines. Titled ‘The Sect of Metal’, it offers players a bunch of new cosmetic updates, as well as new skins for Rampage, Little Monster and Killer J. First introduced in September 2018, ‘Metal Pass’ has given players a progression system similar to DOTA’s passes that gives them cosmetic rewards by way of weekly missions and challenges. In November of last year, players also got the season two missions, that focused heavily on H.P. Lovecraft’s creations. The upcoming season has really allowed the creative team to explore the Heavy Metal side of the game’s lore.
“We’re proud of how closely we get to work with our community on upcoming updates. We are constantly working on towards new features based on the community’s feedback, which is where this season started.”
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