Hell Let Loose coming to PC the 27th of July, consoles later this year

Hell Let Loose coming to PC the 27th of July, consoles later this year

Hell Let Loose will be coming to the PC on the 27th of July and to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S later this year. The game from Team 17 and Black Matter focuses on large-scale war scenarios with loads of chaos, including 50 vs 50 player multiplayer battles. The game is set during World War II. In addition to the nine key Western Front battles available right now in Early Access (including the D-Day beach landings at Utah and Omaha, Carentan, and Foy), Hell Let Loose’s release onto PC next month will introduce Russian forces and two new large urban maps set in the Eastern Front: Kursk and Stalingrad.

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I'm a game designer, developer, and reviewer. I've been reviewing for 3rd-strike.com since 2017.

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