Hideo Kojima wins cinematography award

The 3rd Strike Award for Worst Kept Secret in the world goes to… Hideo Kojima! Although he is well known for his video game career, having been responsible for titles such as Zone of the Enders and the entire Metal Gear Solid series, the game director is also (in)famous for the seemingly endless cutscenes in his games.
This has not gone unnoticed to the film loving eyes of The Bradford Animation Festival, which has awarded Kojima with their inaugural – make sure you take a deep breath before reading this aloud – Bradford UNESCO City of Film Award for Cinematography in Videogames.
Jamie Sefton, programme consultant for this festival, gave a most fitting statement for this occasion: “Hideo is a fitting and deserved winner of the inaugural award for Cinematography in Videogames. His pioneering work over the past 30 years has not so much shifted the boundaries of games design as obliterated them in his mission to bring gamers around the world more and more immersive experiences.”
At the time of this writing, the award is being presented by David Wilson at the Bradford Animation Festival, who had these kind words for Kojima:“With the ever-advancing technology there are clear synergies between film techniques and gaming, and Metal Gear Solid was one of the pioneers in this area in my view. Bradford has a long history in pioneering film technology dating back to the dawn of cinema and we are currently looking at emerging technologies within the sector which can enhance the art of story telling through film, animation and gaming.”
What does Hideo Kojima have to say about all of this? Watch his acceptance speech below!
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