Home Release: Godzilla

The new Godzilla went back to basics, and how. Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) and Aaron Taylor – Johnson (Kick-Ass) are running around in this movie as well, but the main attraction is obviously our giant reptile friend. Coming out of the deep to settle a grudge with the newly resurrected MUTO’s – two nuclear power feeding beasts – Godzilla is ready to re-establish himself as apex predator.
Directed by Gareth Edwards (who made a name for himself by directing the indie science fiction film Monsters). Godzilla will give the fans everything they want, and newcomers won’t leave disappointed. It even stays away from all the mistakes the 1999 film had (even if a duet between Puff Daddy and Jimmy Page was pretty awesome – there I said it).
Godzilla is available on Blu-ray™, 3D Blu-ray™, DVD, Video on Demand and Digital Download on September 17th.
Trailer below:
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