Honey, I Joined a Cult Launches in Steam Early Access on 14th September

Honey, I Joined a Cult Launches in Steam Early Access on 14th September

Team17 and Sole Survivor Games have today announced that their 1970’s-based cult management simulator, Honey, I Joined a Cult will launch into Steam Early Access on the 14th of September.

Taking the role of the cult leader, players will be able to design every aspect of their very own cult: from building its headquarters and catering to their believes and members, to planning the propaganda to make the organisation as successful and venerated as possible.

Some of the game’s key features include recruiting cultists and keeping them happy in order to ensure a steady flow of money and influence, building freaky bases for them to live on and engaging with the community, sending minions out to spread the good word or just to steal some offerings. Meanwhile, law enforcement, the government and even just misinformed protesters will try to bring your organisation down, and it’s up to you to keep them in check!

Watch the Early Access Date Reveal Trailer here:

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Freelance writer and translator who likes to feed in her free time. If you'd like to chat, send me an e-mail to ritajbp@gmail.com!

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