Killsquad gets a new cinematic story trailer!
As the release date for Novarama’s Killsquad is inching closer, a brand new cinematic story trailer has made its debut for the frantic four-player co-op action game. This new peek into the harsh sci-fi world showcases super soldiers with nothing to lose and ammo to waste as they head off dangerous mercenary machines to earn cash. The trailer also provides ample warning to players about the various threats that Killsquad offers, ranging from alien monstrosities to an army that has a price on your head, a deadly plague, and even ancient gods who love playing tricks on your mind.
Players that jump into Killsquad are set to find frantic, skill-oriented action, both in solo and with up to four friends in co-op. The game has been in early access since July of 2019, and Novarama has made adjustments and tweaks based on player feedback. Combining elements of twin-stick shooters, hack and slash, dungeon crawlers and bullet hell, the unique blend of gameplay that Killsquad has to offer ensures intense encounters across five planets, filled with hordes of aliens and epic bosses. Players will be able to enjoy the full version of the game when it launches on Steam on the 21st of October. In the meantime, you can enjoy the new cinematic trailer below.
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