Knights of Pen and Paper 2 rolls out on PC

Today Paradox Interactive released Knights of Pen and Paper 2 for PC, Mac and Linux. The game features new in-game races, randomly generated dungeons, music, retro-styled graphics and lots of jokes and good humour. Furthermore, this newly released version for your various types of tops includes support for gamepads, keyboards, and mice, along with a completely necessary 1080p 60fps presentation of the game’s pixelated 16-bit world. PC gamers are also treated to the story expansion, “Fist of +1 Fury“.
The Knights of Pen and Paper 2 PC version is available for $9.99/€10.32. The Digital Deluxe Edition, which includes an art book, soundtrack, and new in-game features such as an Epic Mount, is also available for $14.99/€15.49.
For more information about the game, check out the following articles:
[1] Knights of Pen and Paper 2 announced
[2] Extreme Meta-ness
[3] Launch on mobile devices
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